Struggles with sexual behaviors
It can feel so hopeless, so powerless. There likely have been numerous promises (to yourself and perhaps even others) never to do that again.
How often did you struggle with the lie that there is something devastatingly wrong with you?
How many times did you pray for God to take the illicit desire away from you – only to be met with the thundering silence that can stir your fear that even God is done with you?

Freedom through honesty
There is so much more joy that comes from living out of grace than there is trying to be “good enough.”
For many men, this is the first time that they have told their stories honestly – the shame of things that have happened to them; the shame of things they have done.
The fearful expectation that the label “freak,” “pervert,” or worse is going to be branded into their very core.
When their stories are told in honesty and treated with dignity and respect, there is a huge weight lifted.
Don’t lie to yourself
I believe that at the core you were designed for good and that there is a noble purpose to your life.
What you long for is really good – love, respect, belonging, intimacy, security, and purpose, to name a few.
But there are lies that you need to overcome. Here are a few of the lies that I had to wrestle with to fight for my sobriety. “You’re not enough.” “What a loser.” “Can’t you get anything right?” “You don’t deserve good things in your life.”
Be courageous by telling your story
I really enjoy working with men who are sick and tired of being trapped in sexually acting out.
It takes incredible courage to step forward, make the call, and schedule an appointment.
You may be telling a story about something that you wish had never happened. This is the story that you want to deny and keep at a distance, but it follows you and haunts you. So, why should you choose this craziness and dive into the very story you want to reject?
This is the reason that I enjoy working with you. YOU are courageous!

Are you ready to face the problem?
There is no magic formula, no insight that makes everything from here on out bright and sunny. There is the hunger to be free, which is why you’re reading this right now. You ARE hungry.
There is the noble battle to believe that you ARE worthy of this fight. You don’t have to share my faith that there is a God who created you and is ready to welcome you with open arms. But you cannot deny that there is a fight in your soul that won’t give up!
Together, let’s stop hiding, pretending, avoiding, overcompensating, and acting out. Let’s harness the hunger that you long to be something more and stop running from your stories.
Rather, let’s face them together and courageously influence the outcome that you can look back on with great satisfaction and joy!
Call me now
Call me today, let’s start fighting for – instead of fighting against.