Individuals in Relationships

Working on a relationship is like peddling a bike with one foot.

You want more from your relationship, but you cannot get your partner to commit to getting help.

This can feel really stuck, and many therapists would agree. They don’t believe they can provide much value working with only one partner.

Well, I’m NOT one of those therapists!

In fact, every bike ride I have ever taken began with one foot propelling me forward and gaining momentum until the “other foot” joined in the process.

Let’s develop courage, curiosity, and creativity to get this rolling!

Courage – engaging authentically in the presence of fear. Of course there is fear – this is really important; there is a lot at risk. Courage comes from the compelling belief that, in spite of your fear, this is a battle that is worthy of your best effort!

Curiosity – learning from the journey. It’s OK to ask what wrong turns got you here. But far more powerful questions are available. Like – what is different when you are relating with more love and respect? What will life be like if you are wildly successful at building an amazing relationship? Isn’t that worth your best effort?

Creativity – using your gifts, talents, skills, and abilities to promote a great relationship. If you want a different outcome, you have to have different input. Once you identify patterns that don’t work, you can use creativity to consider something very different. Sometimes it can be so different that it seems like a 180-degree turnaround.

Maybe YOU are the visionary that ignites this growth!

If you’re in a relationship that you know can be much better, and you are feeling frustrated that your partner isn’t willing to give it a try, maybe YOU are the visionary. Therefore, let’s start with you.

Take the first step to build something amazing!

Call me today at (720) 295-2827, and let’s find out!

Get Started Now!

Marriage Recall by Chuck Fallon, LPC

Do something different, if you are in a rut.
Change something that seems insignificant, but truly isn’t.
Be intentional about building a successful marriage.Marriage Recall by Chuck Fallon, LPC

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