Influence the outcome of your story

You are one of the courageous!

Marriage and Men’s Sessions held by Phone or Video

“Here we go again!”

“How did I end up here… again!?! I promised myself over and over – this time it will be different! But here we are. My spouse is quitting on us, throwing in the towel, not even willing to try anymore.”

“This sucks. Why bother?”

“I knew we had problems, but I didn’t know they were this bad. Why didn’t my spouse make it clearer? I would have listened, done whatever I could to fix this.”

“I can’t believe they are willing to throw everything away; it couldn’t have been that bad. And what about the kids? Don’t they deserve our best effort?”

“It seems so unfair, to walk away without even giving this a chance. I just want to hear that you will try; that’s all I ask. Why won’t you just try to make things better?”

“There’s got to be a way.”

It feels like you have worked so hard, made so much effort, only to end up in the same place! How is that possible?

Your marriage feels so hopeless, yet… here you are, again, looking for answers. Because something inside you just… won’t… quit!

“I need help.”

You’re courageous!

Do NOT push that aside; yes, I am talking to YOU.

From my perspective, you are either courageous or incredibly stupid, pursuing something that has no chance of success.

If you work with me, you will embrace the courageous person you are – because living with hope is never stupid.

“I’ve got to do this!”

What will life be like a year from now if your actions result in 50% improvement? How about 60%?

Or, what if you are wildly successful and reach 80% of your goals; what would that be worth to you?!!

How grateful you will be that you took action today!

Call me and tell me your situation. I have helped others just like you for 19 years. I’ve learned a ton from clients who have walked this path before you.

Let me share their wisdom with you today.

Chuck Fallon, LPC

How are you going to influence your story’s ending?

Let’s begin with curiosity – how did you get to where you are? Without shame or judgment, let’s take a real close look at those decision points that got you here.

Where do you want to end up? Let’s use creativity to dream, to consider what a wildly successful outcome would look like. We may not get all the way there, but it sure provides a healthy direction.

Next, what are the resources you bring to the story? Your gifts, abilities, successes and failures, drives and values – these are the raw materials that are available to move your story forward.

Let’s chew on these things together and come up with a specific, action-oriented plan to influence the outcome that you long for. Then we will meet regularly to assess what’s working, what isn’t, and make the ongoing changes needed to keep moving forward.

This is the solution-oriented approach I use that has helped so many over the years.

You’ve made it this far, don’t pull back now. Contact me, email me, get the ball rolling. Your future you will thank you!
Call me today.

Get Started Now!

Marriage Recall by Chuck Fallon, LPC

Do something different, if you are in a rut.
Change something that seems insignificant, but truly isn’t.
Be intentional about building a successful marriage.Marriage Recall by Chuck Fallon, LPC

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